
Fear of Dating: why are we afraid?

Each of you at least once in your life experienced awkwardness and insecurity when dealing with the opposite sex. You don’t know what to ask, how witty and appropriate to answer, how to respond correctly to a particular behavior of the interlocutor. Isn't it really familiar? That is why advice on how to overcome the fear of dating was, is and will be relevant at all times.

With the development of technology, online communication has appeared, and thus the distance between people from different countries and continents has decreased. It would seem that along with this, the fear of new acquaintances should have disappeared, but for some it, on the contrary, intensified. Understanding the situation, we tried to collect the most effective advice from psychologists that can help women and men overcome the fear of first contact.

Online communication as an effective way to overcome the fear of dating picture

As life practice shows, in most cases, men are afraid to be the first to meet girls. We tried to collect all the most popular reasons for emerging fears that men refer to. Here are some of them:

  • fear of rejection;
  • excitement, far-fetched thoughts that interfere with the development of the situation;
  • inadequate reaction of the girl to an attempt to start a conversation;
  • fear that a girl may not be interested in you just because she is very beautiful and older than you by age;
  • fear of being invisible in the eyes of a girl - suddenly she ignores or keeps silent;
  • fear of a positive answer, which will drive you into a stupor, ignorance of what to do next and what to talk about, and as a result - failure!

Of course, this is not a complete list of all those fears and phobias that people find it hard to overcome in order to strike up a conversation with the person of interest. But the most important conclusion from all this is the fear of reaction to an attempt to get to know each other. You need to immediately get away from these kinds of thoughts and develop self-confidence! Remember that all fears are contrived! Be yourself and you will certainly succeed.

But if you are still a layman in this matter or just want to reinforce your knowledge in practice, we advise you to start with dating in online video chat. With the help of such a service, you can easily learn to communicate with the opposite sex, and you can even find penpals from any city in the world. Join us!

Dating with girls without rejection and fear: 5 tips

According to statistics, about 1/3 of dating takes place on the Internet. Men no longer need to approach the young lady they like on the street, to be guided only by work colleagues, fellow students or former classmates. In order to overcome the fear of people (and in particular the fair sex), for a start, it is enough to register on a dating site or open any online video chat you like. To make everything work out as best you can, we suggest you pay attention to 5 simple tips for online dating:

  1. Put your page in proper shape: decide on a spectacular avatar - choosing the most successful personal photo for this, fill out a form, mentioning your hobbies, create an album with photo and video presentations from different moments of life that will maximally reveal you as an individual in the upcoming acquaintance With girl. Your page will become like a business card, so take the time to make a good first impression.
  2. Choose a status and preference that will correspond to the truth, but will not scare women away. For example, instead of “in active” search, you can simply indicate “not married”, which will present you as a person with serious intentions, and not a boy spraying on many candidates.
  3. Pick girls who match your lifestyle, capabilities, hobbies and preferences. Orientation to your contingent, with whom it is easy and free, and also you do not need to seem like someone you are not, will save you from unnecessary frustrations in finding a soul mate.
  4. Try to find your own individuality and get to know each other not in a trivial way, from which all the girls are already pretty tired, but somehow in a special way. Show your imagination, use the advice of friends and find words that will immediately open your heart, and then even become your trademark. And it is best to look for a separate approach to each girl based on common hobbies - this is always appreciated and speaks of your sincere (not stereotyped) interest in a particular person.
  5. In communication, try to express yourself clearly, simply and, most importantly, competently. No need to impose. If communication by correspondence does not go - think, maybe you are doing something wrong. It will be superfluous to force events too. Haste will emphasize the seriousness of intentions, but you are pursuing completely different goals, isn't that so?

Acquaintance via the Internet at the first stages does not oblige you to anything. At any time, you can end unpleasant communication or dialogue that is not going properly. In the network, for sure, there is a person destined for you by fate. And she will definitely be found!

What should women do?

Complexes and insecurity are inherent not only in men. Women also cannot always easily find a common language with any male representative they like. Therefore, it is also important for girls to understand how to start dating..

All of the above tips are easy for women to use if they want to meet the man of their dreams. And here the main thing to remember is that guys are also embarrassed, they don't know how to take the first step, how to charm, how to keep communication witty, etc. Only when you understand that among your potential candidates are the same people of flesh and blood, with their doubts, complexes and insecurities, there will come a moment after which you no longer need to bother how to overcome fear. But, if this suddenly arises, do the following:

  1. Smile. A smile is the best way to start dating, and of course, positively attune a person to yourself.
  2. Be polite. It does not matter for any reason you are unsympathetic to a man, do not allow rudeness, show loyalty and refer, for example, to employment, marriage, work, or, in the end, that you like blondes with blue eyes (this is in the event that a brunette is interested in you ).
  3. Use your body language to win over a man. Did you know that more than 90% of communication between people is non-verbal communication. For example, imperceptibly copy certain movements of your interlocutor (look in the eyes, fold your arms as well); when you listen to the interlocutor, nod to him as a sign of attention, etc.
  4. If you are unsure of yourself, try the so-called "strength pose" - stretch your arms high above your head to feel your determination, leadership and inner strength (this technique is advised to do just before the event).

Online dating makes our life easier and safer. There is no need to waste time on dates with obviously unsuitable candidates, but you can choose only suitable and worthy ones, having learned the details that interest you most in personal correspondence. This format is ideal for busy people who are building a career and do not want to exchange for a series of casual contacts.

There are about 8 thousand online dating services, where everyone gains invaluable communication experience, overcomes their fears and eventually finds people who are close in spirit. Such services can be based on:

  • Location (it's so easy to find an online interlocutor and after a couple of days invite him on a date in the vicinity of your area or at least in one city).
  • Personal compatibility (such as "interest circles", regardless of the geolocation of the interlocutor). For people from different cities and countries, united by common hobbies, there is the possibility of video communication. And how events will develop further - it's up to you to decide.
  • A special audience (specific sexual orientation, religious beliefs, age, etc.).

Having understood for yourself how to overcome the fear of acquaintance, later you will be able to help your acquaintances, colleagues, friends in this and make someone else happy besides yourself. And we will be happy to share with you useful advice that will tear down the walls of doubt, embarrassment and misunderstanding between people.